[Logiciel] Additive manufacturing
Software solution for Workpiece optimization

Une offre innovante

The current solution is a multi-objective method to solve the workpieces optimisation for additive manufacturing; two criteria are optimised :
Orientation : depending on the user needs and workpieces, the software can automatically find the optimal combination orientation of the workpiece.
Planning : depending on the user needs and a group workpieces, the software can automatically find an optimal combination of workpieces planning.

Applications potentielles

Additive manufacturing

Bénéfices de la technologie

Layout optimisation
Rapid calculation
Time saving

État de la propriété intellectuelle

Software’s legal deposit (APP)

État de développement

The software was developped in Matlab

Laboratoire impliqué

LS2N - Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (ex IRCCyN)
Alain Bernard
Yicha Zhang
Publié le 24 mars 2017 Mis à jour le 27 février 2024