Research networks and clusters

Centrale Nantes is a founding partner of:

  • Carnot MERS - The Institut Carnot MERs (Marine Engineering Research for sustainable, safe and smart seas) aims to meet the expectations generated by the major economic and societal challenges of the blue economy.
  • IRT Jules Verne - a mutualized industrial research institute dedicated to advanced manufacturing technologies in composite materials, metals and hybrid structures for the automotive, rail and naval transport sectors, and aeronautics.
  • IEED France Energies Marines (Institute for Energy Transition
    dedicated to Marine Renewable Energies) -  provides support to the sectors of fixed-bottom and floating offshore wind turbines, marine current turbines, wave power and ocean thermal energy conversion.
  • IRSTV - Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la ville (Institute for Research on Urban Sciences and Techniques)
  • GDR EOL-EMR - CNRS Research Group on Marine Renewable Energies
  • WEAMEC - WEst Atlantic Marine Energy Community
Published on March 21, 2017 Updated on April 22, 2024