Science Village 2019: conferences

[Conferences will be in French]

Conference - When art meets science: turbulence as seen as by Léonard De Vinci • Centrale Nantes

  • 2.30 pm -Lecture Theatre B08
As part of events marking the anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, researchers at Centrale and the CNRS set themselves a challenge: to use today's research tools, such as numerical modelling, to reproduce a da Vinci sketch of turbulent flow. At this conference you'll learn about the secrets of this flow and the genius of da Vinci! Researchers will also present a 3D view of this flow, reproduced using today's tools.

Conference - "Renewable energies for energy transition • Centrale Nantes

 • 11.30 am -Lecture Theatre B08
Climate change is a major issue for humanity in the 21st century. Global awareness has accelerated in recent years, particularly in France since the COP21. The objectives and trajectories of energy transition are the subject of often passionate debate in the political world and in society in general, especially with regard to renewable energies. This conference aims to shed light on what science can tell us today about climate change and renewable energies.

Conference - Round Table: A career in engineering • Centrale Nantes

 • 11.00 am and 2.30 pm – Lecture Theatre A
Meet faculty and engineering students. Find out about the curriculum and programmes, life on campus, clubs and associations.

Conference - Wikipedia - Women in Science and the Matilda effect • Wikipedia

 • 10.30 am and 3.30 pm – Lecture Theatre B09
This mini-conference will talk about the Matilda effect, a bias against acknowledging the achievements of women scientists.

Conference: "The words of those caring for Alzheimer patients" • MSH

 • 4.00 pm – Lecture Theatre B08
This conference focuses on analysis of experiences recounted by families of those suffering from Alzheimer's, a "family illness", according to the 2017 report of the Regional Health Agency of the Pays de la Loire region. Interviews conducted with family and professional carers in the West of France is being analysed to understand how caregivers determine their role, using institutional resources and common sense, to identify the difficulties they encounter.
Speakers: Abdelhadi Bellachhab (University of Nantes), Nathalie Garric (University of Nantes), Valérie Rochaix (University of Tours), Frédéric Pugnière-Saavedra (University of Vannes)

Conference - "Verifiability of electronic voting" • LS2N

• 3.15 pm - Lecture Theatre B08
Speaker: Chantal Enguehard
Electronic voting is controversial because it lacks transparency and electoral results can't be verified. A "verifiable electronic voting" model emerged a few years ago. We will analyse to what extent it meets, or not, the requirements of democratic polls.

Conference: Theranostic Applications in Nuclear Medicine • GIP Arronax

 • 10.30 am – Lecture Theatre B08
Linked to the "theranostics" exhibition, this conference with two doctors in nuclear medicine seeks to provide better understanding of the "theranostics" neologism.
Speakers: Dr. Caroline ROUSSEAU, ICO nuclear medicine doctor and Mr Michel CHEREL, Deputy Director GIP Arronax.
Published on September 19, 2019 Updated on November 12, 2020