Insurance and healthcare
- Health: Social Security - Sécurité Sociale. Complementary health insurance - a mutuelle - is also highly advisable
- Civil liability - Responsabilité Civile
- Housing insurance - Assurance logement
- Social Security
Social Security for non European Students
If you are a non European student, you must sign up for French Sécurité Sociale coverage as soon as you arrive.
Social Security for European students
If you are a European student, you first need to be covered by the health insurance from your home country. You will need to ask for your European Health Insurance Card before coming to France and be sure it covers the entire stay in France. If yes, no need to register to the French Social Security.
To register for French Social Security
- Download the procedure to follow
- Register on the website: etudiant-etranger.ameli
- We strongly recommend that you complete this procedure as soon as possible after arrival.
Some examples below:
- Complementary Health Insurance
Social Security only covers 70% of all medical expenses. A mutuelle reimburses some or all of the difference (for medical consultations, medicine, etc). In Nantes, there are several main providers:
► You may also be eligible for the Complémentaire Santé Solidaire, more information here.
► More information for international students on the Campus France website - Civil Liability
Civil liability insurance is compulsory.
It covers you for damage you cause to others in your private life and as part of your student activities.You should note that civil liability coverage covers you against damages to third parties but not necessarily to yourself, so, remember to take out suitable health insurance.
Mutuelles and banks can all provide civil liability insurance, so do not hesitate to add it to your existing contract.
Some examples of insurance providers: MAAF, Macif, Groupama
Additional information sources
► Access the online modules
► Health insurance for students (including resources in English)
Mes tips santé Instagram account
Every week, Mes tips santé publishes simple, useful messages (in French) to help you get to grips with health topics: What's the Carte Vitale for? 5 good reasons to get tested for STIs? Should you always go to your GP? Quizzes, true or false Q&As etc. The aim is to provide fun, interactive answers to all the health questions a young person might have, by sharing the right information on rights and procedures, prevention and health system education.
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