Apply now - quick links to apply for Centrale Nantes

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Applications from French students via Parcoursup
International applicants:
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BBA Data, AI & Management
  • Applications from French students via Parcoursup
  • International applicants:
  • Contact:
  • Applications from international students: see web page
5 Master of Science (MSc) Programmes & Integrated Master-PhD Track:
Joint Master's Programmes:
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters:
Advanced Master - Mastère Spécialisé ®
Engineering Programme

For international students three possibilities to join the engineering programme:

Fast-Track Engineering programme

Apply for a PhD

Executive Education
Research Project

A two-step application process. First contact the relevant teaching department here and then register with the international office here.

Published on March 27, 2017 Updated on October 15, 2024