Our Bachelor of Science in Engineering students visit the Jules Verne Manufacturing Academy

As part of their 'Reverse Engineering' course, our Bachelor of Science in Engineering students visited the Jules Verne Manufacturing Academy on 16 and 23 February.

on March 6, 2024

Cours de Reverse Engineering au Jules Verne Manufacturing Academy
Cours de Reverse Engineering au Jules Verne Manufacturing Academy
On February 16 and 23 2024, our Bachelor of Science in Engineering students visited the Jules Verne Manufacturing Academy (JVMA) accompanied by their teacher Tugdual Le Néel for practical work as part of their 'Reverse Engineering' course. This course introduces students to different approaches to the reverse engineering of mechanical parts.
On the first day at JVMA, students were given the opportunity to work with a "Zeiss ScanCobot" robot and a range of other 3D scanners, enabling them to understand the facilities and limitations of their technological and software solutions. The second day focused on 3D redesign using Catia V5. The objective was to redesign the "head tube", a part of the scooter manufactured and showcased at the JVMA.

Thus, over the course of 12 hours, the students were introduced to various 3D scanning techniques (textured light, laser, photogrammetry), both by hand and with a robot.

The students were welcomed by Arnaud Schmitt and given a tour of the premises in English, followed by a self-guided visit using Hololens augmented reality headsets.

We'd like to thank the JVMA for their warm welcome!


About the Bachelor of Science in Engineering

The three-year programme high quality academic programme offers its graduates the opportunity to pursue their studies on one of our Master's programmes or alternatively to join the workforce upon graduation.
Fully taught in English, the programme welcomes a mix cohort of French and international students from around the globe on our Nantes campus.
The programme is accredited by the CTI (Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs), the independent body in charge of accrediting engineering degrees in France.
  • Learn more
  • Admissions contact: bachelor.admission@ec-nantes.fr
Published on March 6, 2024 Updated on March 6, 2024