Position Professor Holder of the Chair "Filtration systems: gas dynamics and energy consumption reduction" (ECN/Mann+Hummel)
Contact Phone : +33 (0) 2 40 37 16 49 Email : David.Chalet26113694-9152-4597-ab0d-67dacd956755@ec-nantes.fr Office : Office N108
Research institute Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA) Research group Research group D2SE - Decarbonization & Depollution of Energy Systems
Research Gas dynamics: unsteady and compressible flows modelling (pressure wave propagation) 1D approach and Transfer Function / Matrix Air quality in cabin vehicule in closed or semi-closed areas Thermodynamical modelling and experimental study of Internal Combustion Engines Thermal management: thermal modelling of the engine / vehicle especially during the warm-up phase thermoelectricity Turbomachinery: new systems in order to translate the surge line turbine studies with pulsating flow
BAckground BAckground Full Professor at Centrale de Nantes since 2014 Accreditation to Supervise Research - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - (2011) Associate Professor at Centrale Nantes from 2004 PhD from Centrale Nantes and Nantes University (2003) Engineering Degree (equiv. Masters) from Centrale Nantes (2000) Teaching activities Teaching activities Applied Thermodynamics Gas dynamics Energy management in automotive applications Automotive Propulsion Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Publications Publications
Research activities with: Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran (Algeria) CMT-Motores Térmicos of Valencia (Spain) University of Bath (UK) FKFS Stuttgart (Germany) Learn more Contact (david.chaletf4072740-04e0-4f5a-a2d7-5c6b5a67385a@ec-nantes.fr) My Publications Chair "Filtration Systems: fluid dynamics and energy consumption reduction"