Joint Master's Programmes

In addition to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters on offer at Centrale Nantes, a further three joint Master's programmes are delivered jointly with partner institutions:

  • Triple Master's programme Mechanics of Sustainable Materials and Structures, which welcomes its first intake in September 2024 (and then under the EMJM label from September 2025).
  • EIT Manufacturing Master School
  • EMARO, a former Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters programme that has been continued under a double degree agreement with the partner institutions.

Triple Master's Degree - Mechanics of Sustainable Materials and Structures (MS²)

This programme is designed to train the next generation of civil engineers with the expertise to design and implement innovative building technologies with a focus on sustainable materials and structures. It brings together three partner institutions:
  • TU-Dortmund University - Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Germany (programme co-ordinator)
  • University of Trento - Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering | Italy
  • Centrale Nantes - Department of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering | France
Students spend a semester at each institution and graduates will be awarded a degree from each university.

EIT Manufacturing Master School

Five different programmes are on offer through the EIT-M Master School at a consortium of European universities, two of which are available at Centrale Nantes: Digital Manufacturing for Innovative Ecosystems (previously Platforms for digitalized value networks) and Data Science and AI for competitive manufacturing. The consortia offering these programmes involve: the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Centrale Nantes, University College Dublin, Grenoble INP and Università di Trento. Students move from their entry university at the end of the first year to their exit university in a different country for the second year. The language of instruction throughout is English.

Graduates of the EIT-M programme are awarded two Master degrees - one from each university.

EMARO Joint Master's Programme in Advanced Robotics

The EMARO (European Master on Advanced Robotics) programme welcomed its first students in 2008, under the Erasmus Mundus European Programme of Excellence label. The programme was extended in 2014 as the Erasmus+ (EMARO+) programme. As the European funding cycle of EMARO+ recently came to an end, three of the partner institutions decided to maintain this project and the community around it by concluding an EMARO Double Degree agreement.

Students can thus apply for a double degree - studying at two of the three consortium partner institutions: Centrale Nantes, University of Genoa, Warsaw University of Technology.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters

Centrale Nantes is currently involved in seven Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, a true guarantee of academic excellence. An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM), is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. EMJMs award EU-funded scholarships to the best student candidates applying under annual selection rounds.

5 Master of Science (MSc) and 10 specialisms

5 MSc programmes with 10 a choice of specialisms are also available at Centrale Nantes with attractive scholarship opportunities on offer.

The 5 Master of Master of Science (MSc) programmes in Marine Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Automatic Control and Robotics, Industrial Engineering are taught in English and all fully accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education.
Published on November 23, 2020 Updated on July 17, 2024