Conferences and dissemination of knowledge
Published on November 15, 2022 – Updated on May 6, 2024
In keeping with its students' education and its role in the dissemination of knowledge, Centrale Nantes hosts and broadcasts lectures by leading figures on campus and by research professors, particularly on topics related to sustainable development.
Ecological Transition Mornings
For several years now, Centrale Nantes students have been organising Ecological Transition Mornings, which are open to all and available in replay. (in French)
This series of conferences offers leading figures the opportunity to present their approaches and share their feedback on the following questions:
- What are the issues, resources and techniques that have enabled these actors to implement transition dynamics?
- What are the difficulties, obstacles and stumbling blocks that they have encountered and the way in which they have overcome, bypassed or accepted them?
See the replays
- Amélie Calafat & Jean-Louis Subileau - La planification durable et solidaire de la ville de demain
- Antoine Werochowski & Ludovic Brossard - Sols et eau : Gouvernance
- Anne Beauval - La DREAL
- Adélaïde Bon, Sandrine Roudaut, Sandrine Rousseau - Par-delà l'androcène : réflexions et perspectives écoféministes
- Téo Saal & Jonas Teboul - Apporter demain - quel rôle pour l’art dans la transition écologique ?
- Previous Editions
- Anaïs Voy-Gillis - Réindustrialisation : reprendre son autonomie ?
- Sylvain Breuzard - Permaentreprise: un modèle viable pour un futur vivable, inspiré de la permaculture
- Antoine Hardy - Quantifier le coût environnemental de la recherche ?
- Jean-Baptiste Thony - La démarche Low-Tech appliquée aux territoires
- Quentin Mateus - Penser et explorer le low-tech à l'échelle des organisations
- Jean-David Zeitoun - Santé et environnement, comment retrouver l'équilibre ?
- François Jarrige - Une histoire de la pollution et perspectives actuelles pour la transition écologique
- Christelle Didier - La transition écologique : une question éthique pour les ingénieurs ?
- Marine Miller - Les jeunes élites face au défi écologique
- Timothée Parrique - Économie de la décroissance
- Claire Morcant & William Aucant - Démocratie participative
- Dominique Bourg - Climat, vivant et ressources: quelles perspectives pour la planète ?
- Simon Ducasse - L’énergie distribuée : clé de voûte de la transition énergétique
- Valérie Cabanes - Droits de la Nature : de la nécessité de reconnaître le crime d'écocide
- Yannick Roudaut - Face à l'effondrement, le pari de l'improbable
- Jean-Marc Jancovici - L'Homme et l'énergie, les amants terribles
- Jean-Michel Buf - Économie circulaire : la construction par étapes d'un modèle durable (2019)
- Matthieu Orphelin (2019)
- Vincent Liegey : Ingénieur et décroissance (2019)
- Clément Choisne & MarieGaborit : Engagement pour le climat (2018)
- Samuel Courgey, précurseur du concept de l'isolation avec des matériaux nobles (2017)
Welcome week conferences
- Lecture by Geneviève Ferone Creuzet. Vice President of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation and The Shift Project, teaches circular economy at CentraleSupelec (2019)
Web contributions and conferences by research teams
- Are renewable energies a real solution? - Aurélien Babarit, Centrale Nantes researcher, head of the Marine and Ocean Energy team (2020)
- Ethics training course for the School's PhD students. This course was led by Laurent Stainier, professor at Centrale Nantes, researcher at the GeM, scientific integrity representative at Centrale Nantes and member of the school's ethics committee, Pierrick Guégan (CRED) and Jérémy Ohana (LHEEA). (2021)
- Energy and Mobility Conference: Vehicle electrification at the heart of energy transition (2019)
- Conference: The social dimension of ecological transition (2019)
- Conference on Energy transition (2017)
Latest Sustainable Development news
- Centrale Nantes is one of the partners in the second Forum SEISME Grand Ouest
- Centrale Nantes is taking part in the 6th Pays de la Loire Mobility Challenge
- Inclusion and prevention: Centrale Nantes renews its commitment at the CPas1option seminar
- A successful 2nd edition of the Centrale Nantes Low-tech Forum
- Centrale Nantes organises its first-ever diversity month
Sustainable Development & CSR