Double degree in Engineering and Naval Studies

In partnership with the École Navale
The objective is to give engineering students the opportunity to obtain a Naval Studies diploma in order to embark on a military career.

Students follow a four-year training programme:
  •     First 2 years of the engineering programme at Centrale Nantes
  •     3rd and 4th year at the Ecole Navale
Once recruited by the French Navy, the student becomes an officer cadet.

Procedure to join this double degree programme

In order to join the programme Centrale Nantes students must pass the Ecole Navale’s entrance examination and register their wish internally to follow the double diploma programme.
For more information:

Student Profile

Charles-Edouard H, Naval Officer, double degree class of 2011
"When I arrived at Centrale Nantes, I was torn between engineering and a naval officer career. Given my passion for the sea, I was confident that I had come to the right place in any event.
This double-degree agreement is the natural result of a historic collaboration between the Ecole Navale and Centrale Nantes. Students of the Ecole Navale benefit from Centrale Nantes’ expertise in Hydrodynamics and Ocean Engineering. Each year, a number of Centrale students visit the Ecole Navale to exchange views on the theme of leadership - of which commanding naval officers have more intense experience compared to their civilian counterparts.
Today, as a naval officer, I have a solid academic background, a developed analytical mind and I am very comfortable with the technical dimension of the naval profession.
Fair winds and following seas, to all those who are destined for this double-degree
Published on March 9, 2017 Updated on July 23, 2024